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So, What's Here Anyway?

A whole lot of Anime. If you go look at my list, you'll see that I have a rather large Anime collection comprised of over 1300 LEGIT DVDs and Blu-Rays. This site is centered around my rather massive Anime Project where I intend to review every Anime title I own. I made the decision to start the Anime Project October 31, 2006 and put up my first reviews 3 days later on November 3. Since then, the Anime Project has been moving along at a fairly steady pace and I've more or less met all the goals I set for myself so far. The reason it might not look like it's progressing all that quickly is because my collection is nearly three times bigger than it was when I started..

There's also a small section on Video Games because after all, most Anime fans are Video Game fans too. This section is pretty small; you can thank my Anime Project for that.

On that note, I'm probably a little more hard core than your average Video Game fan. While I might not play all that much anymore, I do like to mod my 11 consoles and their accessories. So I also have a small section for showcasing my Console Mods. I also have a seperate section for Other Builds that are not console related. These sections are also pretty small, not because I haven't done much, but rather because I have probably a half dozen builds that have been sitting 50% - 75% done for the last two years.

Also included is a section of Recipies. As a professional cook, it's an interest of mine. This section isn't doing so well (TWO recipe!). This is because I HATE typing out Recipies. It's a pain.

The last few sections feature a buggy game I made with Game Maker, an increasingly outdated section about my son Leif, and a section devoted to ramblings about some of the odder things I do when I'm bored.

No matter what you came for, stick around and check out the other stuff, you may find it interesting ;-)

Anime Project
 ⇒ Anime Glossary
 ⇒ TV/Film Ratings
 ⇒ Forum
 ⇒ Negima! Chart
Video Games

Console Mods
Other Builds


Tactic Toe



What's New:

So I'm a little later than expected typing up my review for Clannad ~After Story~. In all honesty, most of the review has been typed up for over a week, I just never got around to typing up the Further Discussion section. Every time I remembered about it, I was in the middle of something else and put it off until later. However, I finally made a point of doing it, so now it's done. Don't be surprised if this is the last addition to the site for another year =p

Happy Cinco de Mayo! (what's that even celebrating anyway??)

Now, speaking of feeling compelled to review Anime, I present you with Clannad. While the first season was good, but not spectacular, it was the second season that blew me away. Expect that in a couple of weeks.

Also, my Anime Collection Stats Page is completely out of date. I have yet to decide if I'm going to replace it with a new, easier to maintain set of stats, or just scrap the page all together.

Wow! It's been over a year since I've touched this. I just don't have time to write up reviews anymore, nor do I have the motivation to do so. Too many other things to do with my time. I do, however, still jot down little notes about shows I've watched from time to time in preparation for the day when I feel compelled to review Anime again.

Anyway, spur of the moment, I felt like at least updating my collection list. Yes, even though I haven't been reviewing, My Anime Collection continues to expand. It now even contains about 50 Blu-Rays (I watched EVA 1.11 on BD and was immediately converted to the format).

Here is my review for The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. While I know there's a second season, the episodes integrate right in with the first season, so I'll probably just overhaul this review instead of making a multi-part one.

So I decided to do a review for Gunparade March. Why did I pick this out of all shows? Because there was just so much wrong with it, it bugged me, and I just had to complain about it right away =p.

And now a review of InuYasha - Season 7 to wrap up that series... except that's not the end anymore. There is now one more season, which I've been assured, concludes the story.

It took me a lot longer to get to my .hack//G.U. reivew than I expected. What can I say, it was a lot of fun; a lot more fun than the first 4 games were. The review will probably be revised in the next day or two as I remember the things I wanted to add but forgot about.

Well, happy new year (almost a month late). Quickly threw together a review for Gunslinger Girl - Il Teatrino OVA. I didn't even bother with watching it twice, I mean it's 2 whole episodes. With that in mind, I'm a little surprised I managed to write as much about it as I did.

2009 Q3&4 / 2009 Q2 / 2009 Q1
2008 Q4 / 2008 Q3 / 2008 Q2 / 2008 Q1
2007 Q4 / 2007 Q3 / 2007 Q2 / 2007 Q1
2006 Q4 / 2005 / 2003